- B.E ( all streams)
- B.Tech ( all streams)
- B.Sc
- M.Sc
Last date of Registration : 18 November 2017
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Online free global competitions. Win Student Competitions, Challenges, Contests, Awards, Prizes, in business, management, design, arts, architecture, photo, fashion, engineering, computer sciences,...
All Students fill the following form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSegfTM33FdEqmyKCHAWCXRN_tQyyfa_639e-ho0Uy2bJJt4dw/viewform?c=0&w=1
To be eligible to get support from the department as well as get mentoring from the department.
In Partnership with Red Hat OpenShift Online
OpenShift.io is an open online development environment for planning, creating and deploying hybrid cloud services.
*Code the web*
Basic web development workshop by Web Sparks on 7th and 9th of October.
To register follow the link below.
Code-Tantra 2.0 is the second edition of the Coding competition conducted as part of C-Square club by Chandigarh University, Punjab. Participate in the online prelims to get direct entry to the finals on 6th October. Top 60 entries will be joining the final round. Participants should register here to qualify for the finals.
Date- 3rd oct 2017
Register at- https://www.hackerrank.com/code-tantra
Kindly fill out the form too.-