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Showing posts with label Watson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Watson. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Wipro TopCoder Hackathon 2017

For registration follow the instructions at the following link:


Humblefool (Harsha Suryanarayan) was the best competitive programmer India ever produced.

Being the best he may have worked for big companies, but he wanted to contribute to the community — by teaching programming to students and helping mentor startups. 

This hackathon is in honor of Humblefool: to carry on his legacy and help spread the word about programming across our country. 

Thus, the broader theme here is programming education.
Create a Application which helps in learning or teaching programming/coding.

There is no restriction on creating a web app or a mobile app.

The education industry in our country is still taking in fast-progressing information technology, and this is your chance to think outside of the box and create an app that can really make a difference here.

The successful and the best applications will be made available to the public and also we will be sponsoring a child's education in Harsha's name. The winners will also have a chance to contribute their prize money towards the same cause.

Challenge Overview

This hackathon is in honor of Humblefool: to carry on his legacy and help spread the word about programming across our country.

Thus, the broader theme here is programming education.The education industry in our country is still taking in fast-progressing information technology, and this is your chance to think outside of the box and create an app that can really make a difference here.

The successful and the best applications will be made available to the public and also we will be sponsoring a child's education in Harsha's name. The winners will also have a chance to contribute their prize money towards the same cause.
For more details and Prizes visit the microsite here.
Important : You need to be registered on the microsite here to submit here. Otherwise your submission will be not be considered.
Idea Generation Checkpoint

Before this checkpoint you to open your minds and submit your idea to us. You are encouraged to be creative about building an application specifically for programming education or around programming education. All you have do is pen down your idea in a doc file and submit to the challenge.

Submission Deadline : 26th October

Judging Criteria
Understanding of the theme
Impact & feasibility
Newness and Creativeness

Submission Guidelines
Write your idea in a text/doc file zip the file and submit it to the challenge.  
You will also have to describe how it is solving what you believe to be the pain points of the current system and why you chose your particular platform.

  Design/Prototype Checkpoint
Before this checkpoint competitors can submit a Design/Prototype of the app.
Submission Deadline : 16th November
Judging Criteria
User Experience

Submission Guidelines
Zip the two files mentioned below and submit on the challenge below

  • Submit the image design files and code files(if any) of your planned application
  • A text file with a link to the video describing your design.



  • IBM Bluemix


  • Cognitive

Final Submission Guidelines

Final Submission Guidelines

Your Final Submission should be a zip file with three folders/files
  1. Code Files or the link to your github public repository
  2. A text file containing the link to a video describing the application ,explaining the code, platform used, problems faced etc.
  3. A presentation for the judges.
Final Judging Criteria
  • Innovation (30%) The submission creates an innovative and creative solution to a known problem or creates a new market opportunity using the APIs. Innovation is not strictly about ideas, the submission also executes on the innovative idea.
  • User Friendly (25%) The systems and the UI designed should be user friendly
  • Overall (35%) The submission is easy for end users to use and consume.  The application is complete and usable.Is the submission a high quality submission? Would you use this application?
  • Presentation for Judges (10%)


Topcoder will compensate members in accordance with the our standard payment policies, unless otherwise specified in this challenge. For information on payment policies, setting up your profile to receive payments, and general payment questions, please refer to https://help.topcoder.com/hc/en-us/articles/217482038-Payment-Policies-and-Instructions

Reliability Rating and Bonus

For challenges that have a reliability bonus, the bonus depends on the reliability rating at the moment of registration for that project. A participant with no previous projects is considered to have no reliability rating, and therefore gets no bonus. Reliability bonus does not apply to Digital Run winnings. Since reliability rating is based on the past 15 projects, it can only have 15 discrete values.
Read more.
